07-29-2016, 06:11 AM
Quote:The hardest part of being an artist is definitely staying productive, but you can't tell me most people don't have it easier than others.
Well, most people in the world dont have the opportunities we have by the shear fact that we're on the internet talking to each other from opposite sides of the world. And when you think of all the people that have lived before us...
I respect the hell outa the fact that you help people so much. But wouldnt you be more helpful to everyone in the long run if you were happy with the direction of your life? You only have a limited amount of time to change things for the better. I dont mean abandon everyone you care about. As long as you spend some amount of time on art each day, be it 10 minutes or whatever, you're moving in the direction you want to be. I think you might be too hard on yourself about not getting more done under the circumstances. I know i've felt that way.