The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!!
Cheers for the crit dude, I tried to approach the next one differently, since before I was using a soft brush a lot, the 14 day challenge doesn't allow reference(basically you need to get each head critiqued and maybe study reference outside of when you're painting the head) but I've started using an Asaro head now to figure out the basic planes.


Firstly did a quick fan art of mob psycho, wasn't really sure where to go with it since I painted the body first and due to how I painted the light source kinda fucked up the background I had planned, Wasn't sure what I was doing with it but eh, it's not terrible and I had fun painting it. If anyone knows of any good tutorials for painting anime like this, I'd be really appreciative if you could post them.

Some form and eyebrow studies.

And the W.I.P of the 14 day challenge head, normally I wouldn't post wips of these but I really want to make sure i'm getting the planes right this time.


Messages In This Thread
RE: The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!! - by natori - 06-08-2013, 01:37 PM
RE: The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!! - by Triggerpigking - 11-02-2016, 10:28 PM

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