The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!!
Was gonna upload more then this but eh, thinking it over it's really only proko bean studies and without the refs those are kinda useless for critique and are probably not particularly interesting to look at either.

So I went a little mental studying Krenz's methods today..5 hours in fact XD, I usually am not that into studying that much but I really got into it with this, I suppose because I felt I really was working my brain to figure it out as opposed to something like the Pelvis ones which are simply memorization.

I'm finding it difficult but I think i'm gradually getting a better idea of his methods, the rotation thing especially is great basically allowing for a quick way to figure out how you're moving the body in perspective.
The main issues i'm having is
1. figuring out what a 45 degree and 22.5/67.5 degree angle is for objects without even sides, i'm working off the assumption right now that your perspective would be in the middle of them but i'm not sure.
2. how to figure out the vertical size of these objects, think this might come down to eyeballing it since perspective can fuck with it a lot.

Whats interesting though is that once I've mastered this Krenz is of the opinion that you technically only need to draw a body part in every angle once, which makes sense really if you have a diagram showing the structure in most viewpoints(he recommends going 4 across with 90d 45d 67.5 and 22.5) then you don't need to really focus on drawing that specific subject anymore outside of anatomy so i'm gonna focus on this for a while and see where it takes me, seriously this vid has made understanding perspective so much freaking easier for me.

I also got the idea to start making little mannequins like the one in the corner and saving them for later usage. Since I've been playing around with proportions lately having these setup for reference could be a good idea, with this being the basic realism cranial units one.
these also tend to take a lot of time when I'm just drawing them over and over so it'll save time.

I also did a silly Midna pic for fun, I've noticed a big issue I have with my line work from doing this actually, I seem to not be spending enough time on the rough line work phase and i'm then trying to correct the piece and focus on some nice lines at the same time which is taking up so much more time then it needs to.
Wrote that down in my notes.

Also thinking I might ignore color and grey scale for a while, might do some stuff for silly fun but with all this focus on perspective and anatomy i'm thinking it might be a good idea to focus down on drawing over painting.

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RE: The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!! - by natori - 06-08-2013, 01:37 PM
RE: The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!! - by Triggerpigking - 03-03-2017, 09:01 AM

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