MagneticScrolls Sketchbook - Starting from the beginning again
If there no class availble in your area i am sure you can find online class for a reasonable price but i suggest you learn how to do proper research there alot of online resource there even a resource section on this forum you should really check it out but you should invest time looking for art content on youtube.

About mentor there little chance you will find a mentor because most of the person who would be mentor are allready art teacher so there not gonna do 1 on 1 session.Those who would do 1 on 1 would be probably less worth to learn from but atleast you get a faster learning curve because you don't have to seek the teacher attention like you would in a art class.

For art job you better not look locally because there the internet now and people use it to find the best person to fill the job.

I think what you really missing is the tool to learn by yourself.

For example do you own any art book?
Do you watch any art tutorial online?
How much time can you spend per day on art?

Those are question you should have answered for yourself already.But i would still like to know.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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RE: MagneticScrolls Sketchbook - Starting from the beginning again - by darktiste - 09-20-2018, 08:19 PM

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