MagneticScrolls Sketchbook - Starting from the beginning again
I am seeing improvement keep going.But you have to give them there really proportion stick to what you see not what your brain want to see.Yes the brain is playing trick on you like cutting head for example.The reason is the brain is good at seeing face but for most of it translation of reality it store information in the form of symbol rather than high definition image so it good to practice the 10 second method never spend more than 10second looking away from the reference.Also a good thing to practice is framing because sometime beginner have problem fitting subject inside a limited space and will often have to compress image because they under estimated the space the subject would take on the page.A trick i like is to draw smaller or to draw on bigger sheet of paper but ultimately you should learn to draw in a limited space.

The problem is that without a construction method you are lock to what ever reference you have it limit greatly the possiblity.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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RE: MagneticScrolls Sketchbook - Starting from the beginning again - by darktiste - 11-20-2018, 12:44 AM

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