02-23-2019, 01:20 PM
This what it mean to have a full range of value.Good job.I would second with fedo for the edging job i think you have to realize the rounded nature of the face you hardly get those hard edge unless it fall near a bone structure the place you normally get hard edge will of course depend of the light direction but a good thing to remember is round vs hard edge. This mean that the surface is more like a sphere,egg or cylinder or is the surface more like a cube or more like what i would refer to as planar surface(not rounded).You have to understand that you can get hard cast shadow or soft cast shadow.One exercise i recommend is to take a ball and a table lamp.Place the ball on the ground.The shadow are much harder if the ball is near the ground but if you lift the ball observe the shadow it become softer.One exercise is to try and take simple primitive form and make your own shadow scenario.