02-27-2019, 02:45 AM
I guess critism can end up hurting your own credibility i never really though of that.I though people could judge those critic for what they were but i guess for more advance artist it alot more important to back the word with the craft.Since a begginner would trust pretty much any feed back but a more skilled artist might not agree with some of the critism i give.
I understand your metaphore but i am not there to save people with my critism i am barely throwning them a safety vest.It mostly what they do with that critism that matter.If they don't cross examine with other source what i say as being truth they mostly only have themselve to blame.
I never though i would have such allow level of credibility since i don't tend to find people disagree that much with what i say.But maybe i am just just blind.
I guess you cannot just build a crediblity with ''good'' critism it not enough.
One thing is sure people want to put me to the test and that only for the better.Like a sword beaten over a fire i will come out sharpen than ever.
I understand your metaphore but i am not there to save people with my critism i am barely throwning them a safety vest.It mostly what they do with that critism that matter.If they don't cross examine with other source what i say as being truth they mostly only have themselve to blame.
I never though i would have such allow level of credibility since i don't tend to find people disagree that much with what i say.But maybe i am just just blind.
I guess you cannot just build a crediblity with ''good'' critism it not enough.
One thing is sure people want to put me to the test and that only for the better.Like a sword beaten over a fire i will come out sharpen than ever.