Hyena's progression sketchbook of horrors
Drawing alot is the way to improving but beyond that it very much about what the quality of how you think will your drawing,Drawing what you want isn't the result of random mark on the paper it a serie of question that make the drawing progress toward your intended result.For observation is more of the realm of questioning what you see.Will imagination is more about understanding how to assemble the piece of the puzzle to make it happen.You can therefore see that there is the practice of observation and the pratice of creation or reproduction.The hardest part is understanding how to create question you can answers to make you drawing go toward your intended result.

Sorry if that already to advance of a concept for you but don't feel discouraged if this seem like you will never understand what i meant by that.

Let just say that to learn a skill you need to learn how to use it language and art as a language of it own drawing is like a problem if you don't know how to fix the problem you need to be able to ask yourself question to solve that problem.As you progress in coming up with your visual solution(your drawing) you will be face with your own inability and you will have to correct what you see. If you manage to have an eye sufficiantly trained to see those mistake you did put on paper .Since you are a very beginner you have most of your questioning unresolved because you have no resource(book,video,instructor,peer to ask for feed back) but since you joined this forum your already in a much better place to learn than simply on your own which is a great thing to progress faster for any artist there no shame in seeking help.

As you start you will be naturally prone to comparing your work to people you regard as your ''mentor'' just be careful to learn about constructive way to compare yourself don't let jalousy or bitterness slow your growth.

I do draw animal so you can always come by my sketchbook to get an idea of how i go about learning to draw them and you can always email me if you know how to if you got question.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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RE: Hyena's progression sketchbook of horrors - by darktiste - 10-22-2020, 09:27 AM

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