Hyena's progression sketchbook of horrors
Animal aren't the easiest subject to start form they aren't familiar to use as much as human.Studying human is actually a good starting point because of how were brain work but it can also be boring to us at the same time but atleast we start from a subject that isn't hard to find reference(picture to draw from).The advantage of choosing human as a starting point is you have plenty of drawing manuel on how to do just that.Also think of thing you can draw that actually transfer toward your goal for example it would be kind unadvised to draw thing you have simply no interest in utilizing again.An error would be to draw thing just for sake of drawing pretty thing that might be ok at first but if you pick it up as a habit you end up drawing thing that doesn't get you closer to what your interested by.

One problem starting with animal i want to point out is that they have a level of detail that aren't something easy for beginner to achieve they have fur which beginner artist have problem dealing with they are overwhelm with information and they don't necessarly understand how to reproduce what they see due to it complexity.Human on the other hand are bare skin and they still feel human even without facial hair or hair. and the best thing about starting with human as your study subject it you probably have family member and yourself as potential study subject.My point is that you need to work from the familiar toward the unfamiliar.From the simple to the complex.

It not my intention to divert you from what you like drawing but perhaps it would be more advise to focus on subject matter that are more managable in scale.

What i am trying to say by this is you have to learn to understand where your skill currently at and what you need to improve and right now you don't have enough data to know how to approch thing logically.So it would be better for you to try not necessarly to draw what you want but to pick up a drawing manuel and try use that as your spring board toward your own objective.Maybe you draw for fun in that case feel free to explore but remember that you can always rely on someone else approch to something when you get lost.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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RE: Hyena's progression sketchbook of horrors - by darktiste - 10-23-2020, 10:06 AM

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