03-17-2021, 10:09 AM
Well the big issue is also taking decision as artist we have so much freedom of expression but the intent is working with clarity of mind.It one thing to be creative but what really help us get where we want to go is being clear with where we want to go without being limited by how you reach this point.Meaning everything in your bag of trick should be use to reach that objective you have in mind.One advise would be to do list but that doesn't directly translate into drawing so instead of making the list on a separate page put your list directly where your working meaning on the canva itself this way your reminded that it is not about the list only but about putting something down.The danger of list is they can be useful to create clarity of intent what you don't want is a list of vague intent that where it get tricky because you need to narrow down your option which seem counter creative but i am sure you felt it but when sky is the limit you tend to have the blank page problem getting in the way meaning there is no clear direction coming to mind.So to solve that generally you want the story telling to be establish before the drawing start and than you want to use your creativity to translate this storytelling in a way that is engaging to the viewer.So you gotta find the element that are familar, that are cool and that speak create emotion shift in the viewer making impatient to turn the page always trying to leavespace for surpris.What is the viewer suppose to feel for example when timmy fall should they laugh or should they cry.How can you use facial expression, framing ,color and composition to best represent what is the focus of what going in that particular moment of the story.
Also remember it ok to want result just don't set yourself for trouble just to get the job done it actually require more effort than one might suspect to establish a clear vision right away.Don't be the guy who is like i am gonna solve this later down the road.Planning is always bit scary and you certainly can't plan everything.A lil planning is better than nothing.The planning eventually become more and more intuitive.
Also remember it ok to want result just don't set yourself for trouble just to get the job done it actually require more effort than one might suspect to establish a clear vision right away.Don't be the guy who is like i am gonna solve this later down the road.Planning is always bit scary and you certainly can't plan everything.A lil planning is better than nothing.The planning eventually become more and more intuitive.