Basic Tradintional Drawing Lessons
What you talk about here was mostly in the realm of 3d form making.Those are what i would describe as the spacial notion of traditional drawing.But they are supported by fundamental such as perspective and other fundamental i will talk about later.

The most important fundamental is: FUN the second one is :Mental. Without that i could tell you what they are but it might sound boring and tedious so those are the most important to have in mind at all time.USE YOUR BRAIN AND HAVE FUN DOING SO.

Now let dive into what are the FUN DA MENTAL.First of i want to highlight that vocabulary is key. Understanding word will help you better understand which fundamental you are dealing with. But now let trying to answers the question. The fundamental are drawing and painting skill and a understanding of what you leak and what you need to improve to reach your visual goal.Of course there is other art related fundamental but they have to do with what i will refer as the story&there relationship inside a scene rather than the rule of how to construct something that is grounded in what is refer to as realism the basis of all art style.

Your question was about what are the basic drawing skill well they are proportion placement,form&construction,perspective,anatomy,gesture,composition.Each of those fundamental than will have there own set of more or less ridgid rule.

What is hard for beginner is to turn the theoric side of those fundamental into practical exercise that answers there need.This is where it can be a good idea to seek a mentor to teach you some of those basic practical exercise.

But let say the most basic fundamental any artist need will remain to draw,To be willing to learn,To be able to adapt,To get feed back and probably to be balance in all those thing

There is no set exercise to become a pro just a vision to make it possible.

Note*All the color code are the opinion of someone they are not hard fact.

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RE: Basic Tradintional Drawing Lessons - by darktiste - 04-24-2021, 12:12 PM

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