08-24-2022, 05:02 AM
No really a critic but some minor ajustment of value that help create more visual hierarchy.
1.I darken under the wing of the olw
2.I adjusted the color of the golden part on the left arm
3.I gave the back a bit more of roundness to it
4.I added some shadow to the white cloth
5.I tone down the sharpness of the shadow on the chin and cheek and neck region.
6.I tried to push the boundry of storytelling by using a brush to give it almost the feeling as if we are looking at a old mural but it also help frame the important element i splash on a few place where i felt there was to much detail that competitioned for attention
Great adjustment on the mouth.
1.I darken under the wing of the olw
2.I adjusted the color of the golden part on the left arm
3.I gave the back a bit more of roundness to it
4.I added some shadow to the white cloth
5.I tone down the sharpness of the shadow on the chin and cheek and neck region.
6.I tried to push the boundry of storytelling by using a brush to give it almost the feeling as if we are looking at a old mural but it also help frame the important element i splash on a few place where i felt there was to much detail that competitioned for attention
Great adjustment on the mouth.