08-14-2023, 07:37 AM
So here a few thing i had i mind to darken the forest in such a way that it would help the head become more of a focus rather then the skull but it still is a point interest but due to the value difference between the face and the background the eye goes to the most contrasted point on the image which i would say is the face.One other thing to consider in a snow scene is if it sunny or not if it sunny you can add some bounce light to the bottom of object in the scene(simplified explanation)(i didn't include that part) also in a cast day vs sunny day you will have a difference in the color of the shadow side it grey in a cast day but in a sunny day you get the blue of the sky instead. I did some value correction on those skull they look a bit to ''unintegrated''.The reason i gone so dark in the forest is because the bounce light reduce as you get back into the forest and it felt the lighting was just to similar and unrespective of what going on and i also add the excuse of contrast.Oh also a last note since i didn't really work that in the POV you would get a blue gradiant in the snow shadow toward gray as you would get less and less bouce light the further back you go.