Please help me finalize this illustration.
''What would you suggest I focus my studies on (and how) if I intend to make more images of this type.''

Being able to incorporate the feedback into the work if need be. It one thing to hear feedback it an other to incorporate the feedback in a meaningful way. It up to you to find the depth of how much certain aspect of the feedback should be work into the piece. Nothing feel worst then thinking now that you got feedback you abandon your own artistic liberty or feel as if someone understand better how to turn that idea into a vision and now there isn't any other interpretation possible...

Illustration are none verbal so if you want to create piece that tell story you need to leverage every aspect of that piece to tell the story. A good way to reinforce the story is to repeat element that tell the story.

Sorry for the very vague statement but that more the way i think and would explain it.

Practicing making good choose is not something you can really put into word it alot of observation and personal choose. It also very case specific but it related to how you use the fundamental toward your visual goal basically.

Joseph said something like ''the poses, lighting, form, composition, and then come back to some of the nuances of the story.''

you see it basically observing and testing option not necessarily settling down toward a specific result right away to feel safe.If you settle down to fast you might miss the weak spot in your work and carry a bad sketch to a final and hurt your chance of fleshing out something more well thought out. If you settle to fast on direction your chance of relying on the feedback of other to carry the piece will go up. But if you use the ''fail fast'' approach of ''thumbnailing'' you have less chance to carry something that leak direction in the first place. You must sketch to get the bad drawing out the way. It in no way mean you make bad drawing and good drawing will magically appear it mean you build a understanding of why you prefer A OVER B. It comparing option mixing good element of A with B or toning down or exaggerating some element to create the visual you had in mind.

It normal to get feedback i am not saying there isn't a justification to asking feedback but i think feedback is more reserve to reflect personal touch of who ever make the ''commission'' it mean to flavor their vision to be more personal and a reflection of them. Don't get loose in the feedback.

I personally see Feedback as people letting you know of your ''death angle'' thing you don't have a good awareness of or simple they don't necessary understand why you have taken certain decision and they question those decision base on there own interpretation which is also sometime raising new important question.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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RE: Please help me finalize this illustration. - by darktiste - 01-28-2024, 09:11 AM

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