A total failure
Remember what you believe affect how you act.Your own thought can become the liquid you drown in.

Maybe people don't relate to art that is sad that much enchance why it not finding a big market...would you rather appeal to the mass with something that feel remove from what you want to express or would you rather fight to keep that niche that doesn't seem sustainable?

Not saying your work is sad or define by the only thing you posted so far but it the only thing i can base my opinion on so far by all mean don't feel offended.

Anyways appealing to art gallery is probably not a logical thing to do if you did not a made a name for yourself.

I think if you want to make a name for yourself you should look into art challenge on the internet maybe you got what it take to get some recognition that way.But you would need some kind of way to make money on the side like a regular job and some passive income with a online shop where you sell your merchandise if your thing is being a freelance artist it will surely be easier if your likeable and relateable it help.

You can make art for yourself but reality is what the appeal for other?How does it put food on the table? Why would a potential buyer would want to wear it or expose it in there home or gift it to someone?You want people to relate to your artwork but you gotta find way to make it easy for people to find your work before anything aswell as make it affortable for what it value is.You gotta find the right place and the right people to give you a edge over your competition.

Don't under estimate how much being a nice person give you a foot in the door but that also the problem when you get taken advantage off.It can destroy the will to be nice.All i am saying is don't market yourself as a victim and don't be sour when thing don't get your way.When people feel the desperation they take advantage of it.You need to be ok with rejection because you can learn from it.Keep your head up that what people admire and wanna relate with.There certainly way to make money with artwork that appeal to emotion but i do believe what sell is mostly positive in nature and is cool or beautiful

You might also have to come to term that you are fighting against people who want it more then you do as much as you believe you want it.It not easy specially in an environnement where people are trying to take advantage of other at every opportunity.

Building trust is a long process and having mentor that believe in you is just an other thing that make life as an artist easier because they built their own network of professional connection that make trusting people that much easier because they care about their reputation.You might not be in a space where those person are easy to come by so you have to learn from the ''great''

If an opportunity seem to look to good to be truth it probably that it is.

Chasing something to the point of breaking down is a sure way to burn out you gotta be patient and invest in your own mental well being because otherwise your state of mind will make you take decision you will come to regret.

The problem is that it hard to come back home after work and find the energy to concentrate.You need all the energy you can you can't waste time and you can't spend what you don't have or make bad financial decision if anything my advise is invest in good food because it literally your fuel eat thing that give you energy and avoid alchool because it poison your mind and it rob you of any saving you could be making to start your own online business.

As a departing suggestion i recommend reading about a post i made in the past when i operated a shift in my mindset toward more positive thinking. You can read it here https://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-6483.html

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

Messages In This Thread
A total failure - by SmokeyGrimm - 05-01-2024, 02:28 AM
RE: A total failure - by JosephCow - 05-01-2024, 03:21 AM
RE: A total failure - by darktiste - 05-01-2024, 04:49 AM

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