TrashPandas_Sketchbook_Journey to Greed Island
If you dont have any realistic moment where you switch from study to portfolio your stuck.

I find myself in similar place when i try to deal with making a portfolio i dont know for you but planning seem to lead to procrastination planning.

Without a time frame it just grinding. The better you can identify who you want to target the better you can organize your battle plan accordingly you can have the best intention and the best plan but you need milestone.The problem is what do you do when you have insecurity you dont commit to a time frame your forever grinding and pushing back what need to be done at a moment or and other to reach something that cant be define because it push back by the perfectionism a bell ring in my head when i read word such as Perfect understanding of human anatomy, proportions, fashion, various cultures make me think you will not achieve your goal because you fall in the trap that the vocabulary you use keep you in a loop.

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

You talk about personal Ip but what exactly will you put in a portfolio if it not your own personal Ip... will you make fan art... that doesnt sound to professional.Maybe fail to understand the goal you have for friday so realisticly speaking Friday is the day you would be working on portfolio work.Because what your selling is your visual signature. Obviously you would need a space for experimentation because not everything you will do as personal project will end up as a portfolio piece some will be experimental at best.

Also Friday look like your trying to consolidate what you learn during the rest of the week so why is perspective on Saturday it should be move to monday. But also i suggest you take into consideration that as the week pass your will get tired so you want to order thing in a fashion that allow you to keep thing from being to taxing and have a energy saving mindset.Like i would not put perspective last that for sure.Sound more like a monday type of fundamental.

Also i would try not to be on a solid basis shedule for the reason that you want to adjust according to your level of energy.It really depend if your full time job is repetive of if there is peak in the work demand
The advantage of a solid shedule that doesnt change is that you are not tempted to cramp the hard stuff toward the end of the week and you dont have to prioritize and reorganize what you will do which save time.The disadvantage is that you do yourself violence which can lead to burn out that not necessarly bad since you dont always do what you want in a real job but again it ask the question how do you maintain the ability to power through when your running low on energy.

Anyways i dont want to make to much assumption but i kinda have to so that you can rapidly correct and clarify your intention. I made several point so i dont want to make it to complex for you to respond and if i make wrong assumption it take away your time so excuse me for that but i dont think i have much of a choose unless you make thing clear which is hard when we reply in this format.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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RE: TrashPandas_Sketchbook_Journey to Greed Island - by darktiste - 05-27-2024, 07:48 AM

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