Crimson CHOW #52 - The Learned Observer
Lege1 -

I think you should go for the more sketchy feel for the face also.Since you already have the style and you dont need a ton of rendering you can go heavy on the amount of drawing.Like for example the look of the egg some anatomical dissection like for example what the eye look like when it detached from the eye socket.A drawing of what the diet consist off.

I would just move the date near the signature in future drawing to keep space for the text around your drawing.

You could and should probably do a couple of those since they dont seem to take that much time and you will be able to pick your favorite for submission.

I think the trap here is over rendering those are more scientific drawing so it more about creating a mood with the text and the presentation.

Also think creative like i would say don't necessarly go for something already existing try to mix real creature with mythology or extraterrestrial being like for example the autopsy of a harpies or the autopsy of a alien from uranus.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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RE: Crimson CHOW #52 - The Learned Observer - by darktiste - 05-31-2024, 02:08 PM

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