09-07-2024, 07:16 AM
Here day 4th sword yup two day late but there some other sword brewing behind the scene.
Here the description
30.Solar Claymore
Description:Set with a topaz
I had other plan for the topaz to be in the guard but had a last minute change of direction and decided the pommel was going to be enough
I feel like this one is a miss in term of how easy i was expected thing to be but i was meet with some few hurdle... which is a good thing because that mean there pitfall i can prepare for other on project.
That all i am going to say without entering in the detail.
Here day 4th sword yup two day late but there some other sword brewing behind the scene.
Here the description
30.Solar Claymore
Description:Set with a topaz
I had other plan for the topaz to be in the guard but had a last minute change of direction and decided the pommel was going to be enough
I feel like this one is a miss in term of how easy i was expected thing to be but i was meet with some few hurdle... which is a good thing because that mean there pitfall i can prepare for other on project.
That all i am going to say without entering in the detail.