Back into learning concept art after 15 years
I think imagination is a great place to start getting back and figure out what as change since you last visit doing art by choosing to work from imagination it will show you and us how much there is for you to learn but for that you need a certain artistic eye and understand of artistic concept. But studying is perfectly ok to but being able to copy something doesn't translate to understanding how to do work from imagination sadly there as to be a mix. I just think imagination as the most room to show you where your priority really are at right now. But it really up to you to find out what subject matter you are into and decide if you are still interested by those subject matter.

To much imaginative work and you will have weak fundamental.

To much study and you will leak the ability to work outside the box.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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RE: Back into learning concept art after 15 years - by darktiste - 4 hours ago

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