02-10-2025, 02:16 AM
Look great my only ick is the use of a bit to much of those tree stamp brush just need a bit more finesse and variety in size.
My problem is with the The shoulder area to me is problematic in term of readability due to the side profile it hard to understand how the armor is constructed. Sometime you have to take the perspective of someone that look at the drawing will they understand will they have enough information to figure out what is what. The more there overlapping of shape the more a subject become hard to ready. Sadly this is something that hard to explain because it require to be able to take someone else perspective.
The problem i am trying to give my perspective on is cause by the way you design that area delined by the red contour it look like one shape even if there that little silver division that suppose to help separate the shoulder from the shoulder blade. The problem is one of understanding what material she wearing. Because it look like she wearing something that both an armor/ fabric that can also bridge between the shoulder toward her shoulder blade.
The problem is that personally i find the gold part should have only been for the shoulder by adding it to the shoulder blade this become visually confusing at least that my opinion specially because you dont have much form to that shoulder it kind of fuse into one mass and it become very flat by the look of the shading in that part.
Would you be able to create sketch to explain the armor design because i can<t find anything similar in the real world maybe in fantasy where metal can behave like soft material but otherwise what you did is normally only found in chainmail. Something that goes both over the shoulder and shoulder blade will giving alot of flexibility to the arm. What the use of that leather belt piece adjacent to the glove on the right those are question that visually i can't answers they don't seem to insert or attach to anything and that a problem.
My problem is with the The shoulder area to me is problematic in term of readability due to the side profile it hard to understand how the armor is constructed. Sometime you have to take the perspective of someone that look at the drawing will they understand will they have enough information to figure out what is what. The more there overlapping of shape the more a subject become hard to ready. Sadly this is something that hard to explain because it require to be able to take someone else perspective.
The problem i am trying to give my perspective on is cause by the way you design that area delined by the red contour it look like one shape even if there that little silver division that suppose to help separate the shoulder from the shoulder blade. The problem is one of understanding what material she wearing. Because it look like she wearing something that both an armor/ fabric that can also bridge between the shoulder toward her shoulder blade.
The problem is that personally i find the gold part should have only been for the shoulder by adding it to the shoulder blade this become visually confusing at least that my opinion specially because you dont have much form to that shoulder it kind of fuse into one mass and it become very flat by the look of the shading in that part.
Would you be able to create sketch to explain the armor design because i can<t find anything similar in the real world maybe in fantasy where metal can behave like soft material but otherwise what you did is normally only found in chainmail. Something that goes both over the shoulder and shoulder blade will giving alot of flexibility to the arm. What the use of that leather belt piece adjacent to the glove on the right those are question that visually i can't answers they don't seem to insert or attach to anything and that a problem.