Technical Questions that come up over time (Characters, Landscapes and more)
Why don't you just draw something .You have many question but doing is often finding the answers ... i understand that when we don't understand we seek for the answers but it not the answers that make use better artist it understand the road to the answers... why don't not try to get a better understand of fundamental. A hint learn about color and contrast and composition aswell as overlapping also if i can give you an advise go take a class on perspective so you can actually get hard question answers with example. It very hard to give good resource on perspective and most answers are best given with example because word just don't work well when trying to explaining that topic because of it technicality .

If you get to many question you are not drawing and that why you don't think about the answers on your own you are taking your attention away from the problem instead of trying to problem solve on your own your looking for someone else answers that not giving you room to get better at decision making. If you understand fundamental you don't ask as much question because you understand the way thing work. It not only by asking question that you get better it by understanding why you have ask the question in the first place that you find the answers an answers mean nothing if it abstract . The answers when it given to you is just a confirmation that you don't know. That why if you don't observe and test your understanding you will only rely on asking question but you don't have someone to help you at every step so you have to understand what you are trying to do and how to do it. It not just about how to do it but why a decision is better than an other.

Asking question is not bad. But we can't draw for you that why you need to take risk and sometime do trial and error. Thing don't always work out just because you think it work a certain way sometime we get bad information and need to test and sometime what is tried fail.

Learning on your own is difficult you have to be able to gather an understand how to build your understanding of what you are doing. The more you understand what you know and still have to learn the better you can look out for your own answers.

Lucky for you there the internet .So understanding the vocabulary and get you closer to a more tailored answers that will be not to far away with a bit of patience and research.

Why not draw the first house what about starting there?Don't shoot 10000 step a head we have zero information to know if you are even able to do that.To help someone you kinda have to make sure they have some understanding of concept and it there work that often show how much they understand something.

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Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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RE: Technical Questions that come up over time (Characters, Landscapes and more) - by darktiste - 02-28-2025, 05:33 AM

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