05-18-2013, 03:07 PM
Othrandir Thanks man, I totally agree with you, usually it jsut takes some testing out with layers and experimenting before I get to a stage with good contrast. I could've also checked on my values more but eh, it was a learning experience.
Aragah You... are correct.
MrFrenik ha, thanks :) hope to see you on my stream sometime
Top two studies are for a client piece I'm working on, this one isn't hushity hush hush so I can show it when I'm done which should be in a few days :) Bottom two studies are for Suzanne Helmigh's portrait class
Aragah You... are correct.
MrFrenik ha, thanks :) hope to see you on my stream sometime
Top two studies are for a client piece I'm working on, this one isn't hushity hush hush so I can show it when I'm done which should be in a few days :) Bottom two studies are for Suzanne Helmigh's portrait class