06-10-2013, 05:18 PM
Nice start on the thumbs. I'd say for enviros a wider more cinematic aspect is probably a bit better to show off more. A square format is hard to compose within. I like 2, 6 and 9. 2 is the most complete but your focal point is smack in the middle of the canvas so not sure what it is. I think 6 is my favourite because of the general dynamic shapes to the comp, the only thing is that foreground element is very large and creates a bit of a tangent with the horizon, so shrinking it down a bit would showcase the overlap more. 9 is nice for the fact that you use overlapping elements more and pop out areas with atmospheric perspective here and there as well as generally showing a more subtle control of value. Most of the others I find are lacking in strong composition and a good control of value to really showcase the depth or just don't really have a strong shape language to the forms.