06-26-2013, 12:26 AM
Cheers dude.
Don't worry too much about your pace haha, I am currently on an art binge and i'm not sure how long i'll keep it up. Trying to make up for lost time :/.
And i completely get your point with the great masters. but they also did sketches and quick studies, i think it would be foolish to assume those paintings were everything they did. You also have to remember most of them made those paintings later in their lives. Like it took a life time to get that good. Most of us are trying to do is in <5 years. It's a different world and we have different tools.
Colorblindness is my bane, I'm pretty proud of what i can do despite it. I've spent a lot of time training my eyes so that i can see much more subtle hue changes than i used to be able to, but that's just paying a lot of attention.
Here is my post mazdia's paintover face. I think hers is still better though so i should do more.
Don't worry too much about your pace haha, I am currently on an art binge and i'm not sure how long i'll keep it up. Trying to make up for lost time :/.
And i completely get your point with the great masters. but they also did sketches and quick studies, i think it would be foolish to assume those paintings were everything they did. You also have to remember most of them made those paintings later in their lives. Like it took a life time to get that good. Most of us are trying to do is in <5 years. It's a different world and we have different tools.
Colorblindness is my bane, I'm pretty proud of what i can do despite it. I've spent a lot of time training my eyes so that i can see much more subtle hue changes than i used to be able to, but that's just paying a lot of attention.
Here is my post mazdia's paintover face. I think hers is still better though so i should do more.
Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Sketch Book