Itsh yo time!
Thank you SpectreX :D!

Hahaha, well um, I told my uni friends first and they understood straight away (considering I was drawing in every lecture/tute I was in), and some had wondered why I hadn't left earlier to pursue art, which me me smile.

Then, I told my mother on that same beautiful, sunny afternoon and wow was she piiiiiiissed.
It took about 2 weeks for her to calm the fack down, before I finally managed to talk her into it (more like show her through hard work) and receive her support. Through which I was able to leave uni.
After this I told my closest friends. They understood and were supportive, although they still don't understand why I have to work so hard. And why I can't hang out 95% of the time.

And then yesterday... I finally had to guts to tell my father (he doesn't live with us, so I only see him every now and then. I say "guts" because he's always been strict when it came to school, high school and getting into uni etc. I could've easily just called - but I realised: if I was going to stand up for what I believe in and my passion in life - I had to tell him in person. So anyway, I told him - he looked at me, face stern and simply exclaimed: "why?"
I let it all out.
Got all emotional 'n shit :3
After I finished, he remained staring at me as I remained staring at him, before he inhaled deeply and said:


He explained that he would rather have me work in a field that I love, than be forced to become something I'm not.
He also told me that he believed I could it. That he felt my passion. And saw my determination.
Man, hearing that from my Dad meant the world to me. I feel I can punch a hole through the moon now haha.


sketchbook | pg 52

I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

Messages In This Thread
Itsh yo time! - by smrr - 06-30-2013, 08:26 PM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by SpectreX - 06-30-2013, 08:50 PM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by smrr - 07-01-2013, 12:22 AM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by Finnjamin - 07-03-2013, 08:17 AM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by smrr - 07-06-2013, 12:26 AM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by darktiste - 08-05-2013, 03:02 PM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by smrr - 02-01-2014, 12:31 PM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by Tygerson - 02-01-2014, 12:53 PM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by Doolio - 02-01-2014, 02:09 PM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by eru - 02-12-2014, 06:20 AM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by smrr - 02-12-2014, 10:33 PM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by Wolfyx93 - 10-04-2015, 10:33 AM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by smrr - 10-05-2015, 10:01 AM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by smrr - 10-07-2015, 08:27 AM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by Punk-A-Cat - 10-07-2015, 06:04 PM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by smrr - 10-10-2015, 06:08 PM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by smrr - 11-01-2015, 10:43 PM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by smrr - 11-29-2015, 04:35 PM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by Adam Lina - 11-29-2015, 06:31 PM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by smrr - 12-02-2015, 11:32 AM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by Jan Kloidt - 12-15-2015, 09:06 PM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by neopatogen - 04-16-2016, 01:23 PM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by Arapersonica - 04-20-2016, 08:16 PM
RE: Itsh yo time! - by smrr - 05-11-2016, 11:01 AM

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