Jh's Sketchbook! Study. Practice! APPLY!
Haha, so fun to see that I'm not the only one trying to "reverse engineer" efficient exercises from what people in art courses/schools are doing, art school timelines etc! :)
I love how you started combining the organic and geometric volumes together.

Concerning the head studies, I think that's just a matter of mileage really. Paint studies, draw studies, inbetween look up some proportion guides of different teachers etc. Also, be careful not to place the eyes to high in the face or make the features too big. But you're definitely on the right track!

Love that second last page from your sketches, lovely pencil lines and flow.

Keep up the great work!

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RE: Jh's Sketchbook! Study. Practice! APPLY! - by Lyraina - 10-23-2013, 06:14 AM

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