10-23-2013, 07:51 PM
Good hussle, Russel. Keep grinding those out. I want to suggest that you spend some time gathering up photos of actual faces, really look at the facial features. Eyes that catch your attention, a chin that has a shape you like, ect. Once you have a good 10 or so, start going through and studying them them one by one(the entire faces.) Focus on the larger shapes of the face and don't detail anything. No pupils, don't get into the ears, don't render lips. Spend some time really getting those large masses accurate and you'll find it starts to resemble the person without even detailing(this is the biggest goal with portraits imo)! Afterward each one, you can do another face from imagination that has the trait(s) of you picked it for. Again not detailing and just getting the larger masses to a point you are happy with. This should help you develop more face types and better faces overall over time. Keep it up the good work, bud!