Jones Sketchbook
looking good jones ^_^

Warburton - ughh yeah, sometimes they're so fun, but in the end they're usually just waste of time :(. thanks a lot for the comment and links, good tip on exaggerating the poses, I'll try that out. Appreciate the comment man.

marjoriedavis - thank's :)


Some more stuff, creature/monster dude for drawlloween some quick drapery/hood studies, imagination poses, cloaked guy & card illustration gesture studies. Pretty fun to do those, some of em were pretty dang hard.

Going to work on the monster and cloaked guy more tomorrow.

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some stuff's. Keep drawing incredibly crappy faces, so I did some focused facial feature studies using bridgeman, photos, and theres a mix of imagination app in there too. Gotta further develop my ability to put it all together now.

So much stuff to study and apply, kind of overwhelming sometimes. Hard to decide what to choose to do first lol.

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hey man. as always , the studies are looking solid and the imaginative work is really progressing. keep struggling
its been aeons since i came here, and its so nice to see how much you have improved, i specially like that black and white sketch, keep exploring that style seems like you are about to develop something really cool. :)

BenFlores - Thanks a lot man!

EduardoGaray - I'm Glad you liked that B&W sketch, I'll keep messing around with that style. Thanks for coming on by Ed!


Studies and stuff

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hey jones, great work in here! if you're struggling with faces, (and i know i did for a long time, but not as much now) my best advice is to learn a process like bridgeman or loomis or whatever, and draw just terrible faces until your eyes bleed. It's really the only way, and imo it's better to do it with pen or trying not to erase too much, because when you are forced to look at those mistakes you try to push yourself harder to fix them. another good thing to do it line up a ton of photos with faces and just draw all of them, and try to get them to look as good as you can; it sucks how long it takes to get them right, but you just gotta draw tons and eventually you'll get them right! keep pushing!

Proportions are also super important, so here is a trick i came up with that applies to every face. Take your index finger and put it on the top of your forehead and your thumb in the crease of where your nose is. If you were to flip your hand, your index finger should land in the center if your lips; so that's a super easy way to check proportions, the rest is just placement and perspective.
Fedodika - thanks a lot for the comment! I've been doing what you suggested - and damn am I seeing how badly I've needed to work further on faces.


These are painful - Bridgeman & Loomis studies in there as well as some photos and a good dose of imagination. Forgot a to take pics of a few pages but its pretty much the same stuff.
I've got to slow it down a good bit, and think about what I'm drawing (and the underlying structures) more.

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oh man it's tough i saw a good one in there around the fourth page! keep plugging and thinking about the perspective/proportions and soon the heads will look FABULOUS!
Good hussle, Russel. Keep grinding those out. I want to suggest that you spend some time gathering up photos of actual faces, really look at the facial features. Eyes that catch your attention, a chin that has a shape you like, ect. Once you have a good 10 or so, start going through and studying them them one by one(the entire faces.) Focus on the larger shapes of the face and don't detail anything. No pupils, don't get into the ears, don't render lips. Spend some time really getting those large masses accurate and you'll find it starts to resemble the person without even detailing(this is the biggest goal with portraits imo)! Afterward each one, you can do another face from imagination that has the trait(s) of you picked it for. Again not detailing and just getting the larger masses to a point you are happy with. This should help you develop more face types and better faces overall over time. Keep it up the good work, bud!

Fedodika - Thanks Man!

Atrenr - Thanks a lot Terran! that sounds like an awesome approach - Looking forward to trying it out in the morning.


Just some sketches this update

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bout to pass out, but I've been wanting to update this thing.

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them faces lookin better; you just leveled up!
i really like the cloth you did in #288 that heads are looking better and better each time, keep punching mate, its working!

Thanks Homies


I've been slacking on my studies the past week. Mainly been sketching & experimenting. Took part in national self portrait day, It's a lot better then my last self portrait in july, lots of proportional likeness inaccuracies though. spent about 7 hours and a half on it.

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Some studies, personal stuff and some really rough sketches before I pass out. Gotta get grinding on fixing up issues & taking the personal stuff to a finish. Anyway time to sleep.

[Image: kitten2.gif]

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some sketches and a 2 hour portrait color study edit: did/added another quick sketch before I pass out. Night Daggers [Image: tired.gif]

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I meant to bust out more figure studies today, but those three took me a pretty long time trying to get down accurately. It's a sign I need to be studying anatomy more!

Other then those some imagination sketches.

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Those B&W sketches look cool! It would be awesome to see one developed further!

Thanks Kaffer, I'm glad you like them. They're pretty fun to sketch, so I might try pushing the next one :)


Had some trouble trying to get forms to read with this still life.

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