12-10-2013, 04:33 AM
Awesome studies man. Your observation skills are crazy good. You mentioned that you still cant draw hands and feet from your imagination after doing something like 3000 studies. Copying references will only get you so far. You have to do an equal amount of drawing from imagination. This is something Im still struggling with. I dont think (at least in my limited experience) they tell students how to improve imagination drawing in drawing classes. A really effective method of working on your imagination is to do a study and then right afterwards put the reference away and do it again from memory. Even though it might not look as good, you'll get much more out of the study. Also for a more interesting challenge, try drawing the same subject from a different perspective than the reference. It forces you to visualize it in 3D and turn it in your mind. By the way that structure portrait looks great. Better to go over board than under board when you're trying to learn :D