The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!!
Meat:Thanks, I already have quite a bit of skull ref but yeah that might come in handy, come to think of it I used to have a link to this really indepth skull model online that you could turn in all different directions, god knows what I did with it though :/.
Anyway yeah thanks for the tip I was trying to do that effect already hence why his mouth is slightly open but I forgot to lower the jaw as well. i've corrected it but i'm not sure if i've overdone it a bit though.
Also tried doing the siren's pose in real life as you said, and I think i've got a better idea of which parts of the torso are stressed, primarily the scapula bones and lower spine it seems.

Clockodile:Thanks you. yep thought there was something wrong with that arm, and yeah i'll try squaring of the elbow and wrists more.
First of a few study's, some of these are pretty crappy methinks, I might try them again soon and try to figure out them muscles on them.

Also was advised by Jason Manley to try some Bargue drawing to improve my proportions, been thinking about maybe trying these for a while now, due to my scanner there's a cut down the middle though but I hope the proportions are still generally seeable.

And a wip of one of the Studys for level up Colour & light 2-saturation.

trying to do this differently then the composition ones, i'm not gonna spend hours measuring out every little detail for one :/. but i'm trying to get the general proportions down first then build the peice up ironing them out as I go along, it won't be as precise but honestly I just got to the point of mindless copying without learning anything with the composition ones, barring the notes I made before I started painting them.
Also gonna start on two of these at the same time one low saturated and one high saturated, it'll stop me from getting bored with one of them too quickly and allow me to compare them to eachother.

And more work on the siren, I made her bigger and slightly more slim, think I need to just iron out the anatomy and a bit of the proportions and I should be good to go on painting this.


Messages In This Thread
RE: The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!! - by natori - 06-08-2013, 01:37 PM
RE: The Sketchy Sketchbook of ....Sketchyness!! - by Triggerpigking - 06-25-2014, 08:21 AM

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