07-21-2014, 04:43 AM
again, long time I didn't post anything. It feels weird, that I expect people to check out my sketchbook and leave comments, when I am so lazy at it myself. hehe no hard feelings, I hope I can be better at this anytime soon.
other than that I have some issues in my art I have to work on. Mainly that I need to check my shapes, before I finalize a study.after that there is a long list of course, but I think this is atm quite important, since I have been pointed on it more than once.
if you see any flaw in my work, please feel free to tell my, I would love some feedback.
the first one is virtual plein air study: //www.google.de/maps/place/Island/@64.771071,-23.6237809,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m5!1e2!3m3!1s37677562!2e1!3e10!4m2!3m1!1s0x48d22b52a3eb6043:0x6f8a0434e5c1459a!6m1!1e1
I am not the first with this idea, check this: http://sheppard-arts.blogspot.de/2014/05...udies.html
and this http://lingy-0.deviantart.com/art/virtua...-454702765
The second one is part of my first freelance gig, where I paint lineart I get. It is all done for a card-game about football mixed with fantasy.
Maybe I should add, that I give myself only 4 hours per character to keep the salary above the critical 10€ / h mark.
the third one is a failed attempt to paint like Thomas Mahon or Dave Rapoza. lawl.
other than that I have some issues in my art I have to work on. Mainly that I need to check my shapes, before I finalize a study.after that there is a long list of course, but I think this is atm quite important, since I have been pointed on it more than once.
if you see any flaw in my work, please feel free to tell my, I would love some feedback.
the first one is virtual plein air study: //www.google.de/maps/place/Island/@64.771071,-23.6237809,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m5!1e2!3m3!1s37677562!2e1!3e10!4m2!3m1!1s0x48d22b52a3eb6043:0x6f8a0434e5c1459a!6m1!1e1
I am not the first with this idea, check this: http://sheppard-arts.blogspot.de/2014/05...udies.html
and this http://lingy-0.deviantart.com/art/virtua...-454702765
The second one is part of my first freelance gig, where I paint lineart I get. It is all done for a card-game about football mixed with fantasy.
Maybe I should add, that I give myself only 4 hours per character to keep the salary above the critical 10€ / h mark.
the third one is a failed attempt to paint like Thomas Mahon or Dave Rapoza. lawl.