09-16-2014, 11:43 PM
Hey guys!
So, I'm sure you guys have heard of Inktober! It's a fun, one-a-day style project, where we aim to do at least one sketch in inks for the whole of October. It's getting bigger every year, and it's a real good thing to spread on your social media during the time.
Also, not a lot of people on CD focus on inks/line drawings, it's an awesome opportunity to get out of our comfort zone and learn a new media in the process!
Here is the link to the official starter of the project, Jake Parker: http://mrjakeparker.com/inktober
The rules are simple:
- You HAVE yo use inks in some way or form;
- You may have a underlying sketch;
- Other media are acceptable as long as your lines and ink and there and clearly visible!
So let's start! I have been warming up since I haven't dealt with lines in a long time.
Feel free to join! Let's rock this :)