10-02-2014, 06:39 AM
Sweet updates man, I had no idea your line work was so tasty :0 Those costume/character pencil stuff makes me drool.
I'd say your biggest area to focus now is your values so they can compliment your sweet sweet lines. It seems to me from looking at your recent stuff that you are much more comfortable with building structure from lines than you are from going straight to values, like with that dig character with the staff above for example.
Also, i read your posts above dude and I can completely empathises with all of it man, your not alone with these thoughts, I think we all get them lol. As for not knowing what to do next, that's understandable because there's so many paths and things to improve upon. I tend to combat this 2 ways. 1, If i'm feeling hungry for learning i'll try tackling something unfamiliar and out of the comfort zone. If I'm lost and feeling demotivated or uninspired i'll just draw something with Is completely in my comfort zone and fun. Coz remember, if your not enjoying it ultimately after a long period of time, what's the point?
On the note of work? I can empathise with this too. Recently when I was on 0 income and desperately needed money I was looking for all kinds of avenues in this field. I was even considering some logo/web design because it was marketable :S And I looked at concept art because illustration seemed less sought after on job sites. But the truth is when I read a lot of the job description of these sites I hated the sound of them. They reminded me why I don't want a 9-5 job. So I took a step back and looked at all my favourite artists and why I lobed them. Surrounded myself in their art and sketchbooks and realised if they managed it, then I can too.
So maybe that's an idea. Find your favourite artists and ask yourself WHY you love them and what inspires, and you'll most likely find some of your answers there. And if not then my bad lol and sorry for boring you with an essay ;D
This is all just my personal experiences man and we're all different, so take it with a pinch of salt but I hope it helps some way.
And keep these studies coming mate, there awesome and I look forward to seeing future pieces!
I'd say your biggest area to focus now is your values so they can compliment your sweet sweet lines. It seems to me from looking at your recent stuff that you are much more comfortable with building structure from lines than you are from going straight to values, like with that dig character with the staff above for example.
Also, i read your posts above dude and I can completely empathises with all of it man, your not alone with these thoughts, I think we all get them lol. As for not knowing what to do next, that's understandable because there's so many paths and things to improve upon. I tend to combat this 2 ways. 1, If i'm feeling hungry for learning i'll try tackling something unfamiliar and out of the comfort zone. If I'm lost and feeling demotivated or uninspired i'll just draw something with Is completely in my comfort zone and fun. Coz remember, if your not enjoying it ultimately after a long period of time, what's the point?
On the note of work? I can empathise with this too. Recently when I was on 0 income and desperately needed money I was looking for all kinds of avenues in this field. I was even considering some logo/web design because it was marketable :S And I looked at concept art because illustration seemed less sought after on job sites. But the truth is when I read a lot of the job description of these sites I hated the sound of them. They reminded me why I don't want a 9-5 job. So I took a step back and looked at all my favourite artists and why I lobed them. Surrounded myself in their art and sketchbooks and realised if they managed it, then I can too.
So maybe that's an idea. Find your favourite artists and ask yourself WHY you love them and what inspires, and you'll most likely find some of your answers there. And if not then my bad lol and sorry for boring you with an essay ;D
This is all just my personal experiences man and we're all different, so take it with a pinch of salt but I hope it helps some way.
And keep these studies coming mate, there awesome and I look forward to seeing future pieces!