10-15-2014, 12:27 AM
sweet updates as always! cant wait to see how this chow turns out <3
These characters your burning out are so sweet, I love them all. That latest dude could do with a bigger mace though :p The way he's holding it and its size makes it look so light haha. Though with armour that awesome who gives a shit xD
Best of luck with all the freelance too mate, its well deserved and I can only imagine its going to get better with the amount of ass your kicking.
These characters your burning out are so sweet, I love them all. That latest dude could do with a bigger mace though :p The way he's holding it and its size makes it look so light haha. Though with armour that awesome who gives a shit xD
Best of luck with all the freelance too mate, its well deserved and I can only imagine its going to get better with the amount of ass your kicking.