JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master!
Hey man nice work on inktober. To answer your question about Watts. I did watch pretty much all his video demos and downloaded all the pdfs. Although I did kind of rush through things especially the stuff Im already pretty familiar with. It has a fundamentals phase (the classes are called phases, with each area of study is broken into 2 to 3 phases) which you might want to review it more thoroughly if you do decide to do it. It would definitely help you with improving your basic drawing from observation skills. He says that the phases are designed so that you go through them many times. So I still have the pdfs even though I cant watch the video demos now that my subscription is expired.

I didnt come close to finishing every individual drawing assignment in the head and figure phases. But I did a chunk of each and watched all the videos so to get a good understanding of his step by step process he goes through. ideally if I had the money I'd keep the subscription longer so to keep going back to watch his demos which are very enlightening to watch. For instance its good to see how he starts and uses the head and figure abstraction method.

But in short for your current skill level I'd recommend not trying to go through all the phases in one month. Take as much time as you need and go through the phases in the proper order starting with the fundamental phase. Do the each drawing assignment from the pdfs and compare your drawing to his afterward, touching up and adding in things from his that you like.


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RE: JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master! - by Adam Lina - 11-13-2014, 12:55 AM

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