Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
*o* you did a selfie.... <3 that make me want to paint selfies, too... lets make it a thing, shall we? each update has to have a least one selfportrait! (damn that even sounds scary x.X )

Perspective is a cool thing, quite easy, too. thought it is boooring as heck. relaxing though... call the relationship between us a difficult one if you want xD what helped me though was going on tumblr and look for ikea rooms. you know, these overly clean luxurious ones, and then copy them in photoshop by using the line tool, creating a lineart and then blocking in the colors and painting the textures. because you're using the line tool you have to find the perspective points. and by blocking in the shapes and creating the lineart it is guearanteed that you're gonna fail and have to replace the perspective points. sounds tideous and without music it is... but you will learn a ton (also skyping or livestreaming is a huge help to not get distracted) ;)

as for characers... keep at it, you're better than me so there is nothing i can advise you with (...yet ];-P )

also there is watercolor... you're a goddess in using watercolor! huw u do dis?! o.O

And I hope the visit to the dentist will go smoothly. I hate dentists... they scare me... and I still have to get my wisdom teeth removed... D': Wish you all the best for the appointment!


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RE: Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward! - by Nowio - 07-05-2015, 12:47 PM

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