07-16-2015, 11:02 AM
Angelique: I'm trying all sorts of things, lol! 1 tactic for mid-day shift where I come home between 6~9pm but doesn't leave for work until 8~11am; another tactic for early morning or late evening shift.
Prabu: Yeah, the scanner washed some things off, but not too badly. Also I was too tired to spend hours and hours on layering limited color pencil color choices in the correct combination to get what I had in the digital painting.
Lyra: I do want a more menial job that's close by, or really keep to only 4 days of work or less per week. I'm only 1 person with limited health bar... portfolio, studies, IP development... all that should get priority and majority of my performance, not stressing out over talking to too many people all day... Anyway, will keep trucking!
Jake: I've been trying to draw during lunch break, which is 30 minutes, which is in reality more like 20~15min after getting to my locker in the break room and greeting co-workers. Sometimes it works when I get to be alone, sometimes it doesn't work at all.
The getting up at 5am is my ultimate dream.... so far I can only get up at 6am every day. 5:30 if I'm lucky or don't have exhausting work the day before. Getting up early feels samn good, especially after working through all the morning check list, and realize it ain't even noon yet! "Do what works for you right now" is basically the theme of this year's Spectrum Live panels, did you know?
Been trying to work out designs for a page that lays out my concept better visually. First it was the shiny display with foggy background, like a car poster. Then I tried to do it like a science magazine page with separate images and text on my portfolio website. Then I tried to represent the information visually as much as possible in this 3rd attempt. The biggest weakness in mine is the lack of variations - either in body shape, colors (red blue green), or versions (wood dragon vs ice dragon). I need to look at even more concept layout page examples and make the new concept with creating visual representation of variations in mind from even earlier on - maybe even right from the beginning .
Prabu: Yeah, the scanner washed some things off, but not too badly. Also I was too tired to spend hours and hours on layering limited color pencil color choices in the correct combination to get what I had in the digital painting.
Lyra: I do want a more menial job that's close by, or really keep to only 4 days of work or less per week. I'm only 1 person with limited health bar... portfolio, studies, IP development... all that should get priority and majority of my performance, not stressing out over talking to too many people all day... Anyway, will keep trucking!
Jake: I've been trying to draw during lunch break, which is 30 minutes, which is in reality more like 20~15min after getting to my locker in the break room and greeting co-workers. Sometimes it works when I get to be alone, sometimes it doesn't work at all.
The getting up at 5am is my ultimate dream.... so far I can only get up at 6am every day. 5:30 if I'm lucky or don't have exhausting work the day before. Getting up early feels samn good, especially after working through all the morning check list, and realize it ain't even noon yet! "Do what works for you right now" is basically the theme of this year's Spectrum Live panels, did you know?
Been trying to work out designs for a page that lays out my concept better visually. First it was the shiny display with foggy background, like a car poster. Then I tried to do it like a science magazine page with separate images and text on my portfolio website. Then I tried to represent the information visually as much as possible in this 3rd attempt. The biggest weakness in mine is the lack of variations - either in body shape, colors (red blue green), or versions (wood dragon vs ice dragon). I need to look at even more concept layout page examples and make the new concept with creating visual representation of variations in mind from even earlier on - maybe even right from the beginning .