Hey all, just want to check in and say whats good or whateva!?

I've known of the Crimson Daggers for a while now (2010) back when the CD forum was live on I used to post on there often just trying to improve while realizing how much college (FCUK AI) didn't prepare me for what was needed to be proficient in the industry. I'm not going drag this on too long but, I'm up to my neck in debt and having to take on random jobs on and off since then (starting another one tomorrow), to make ends meet has kept discouraging me to fully realize my potential for a while.

I want to change that more now than ever. Looking to get back on the saddle once again and attempt to focus harder to improve myself, dissolve my bad habits, and start getting work in the art field while being happy and enjoying it along the way. So i'm here just looking for a push in the right direction, and to join a community again being surrounded by some awesome pplz. Thanks for stopping thru. I'll be setting up my sketchbook soon.


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SUP ERRRBody - by PrinceG - 07-24-2015, 06:25 AM
RE: SUP ERRRBody - by Amit Dutta - 07-24-2015, 07:36 PM

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