do you consider yourself an Introvert?
I would definitely consider myself an introvert. I don't think I have social anxiety, though. Regular anxiety, sure, but not social. I just have a limit for how long I feel comfortable talking to someone before I feel the need to escape to "recharge." But I don't have trouble talking to people necessarily, though if I don't know them very well I might struggle more with coming up with small talk. And the closer I get to someone, the longer I feel like I can hold a conversation.

I've always been introverted, and I remember being young and playing with a neighborhood friend during the summer. After a while I was getting tired so I went back home, but I could see her biking towards my house and quickly asked my mom if she could come up with an excuse for me. She told my friend I couldn't play because I had chores to do. I was so thankful, and sometimes wish my mom could still come up with excuses like that for me now. I also never liked hanging out with people right after school. After 8 hours of interacting people all I wanted to do was lie on the couch and relax. Realized later that that was me being introverted.

But I do feel the need to interact with people if I spend too long alone. I've had that problem at college on the weekends. There are days where both my roommates go home for the weekend and all my other friends are too busy or I'm not close enough with them to ask if we can hang out. By the end of the day, I'm going insane wanting to talk to someone and hang out. I have a lot more friends in college than I ever did in high school, and I'm a lot closer to more people where I feel like we have a pretty close connection.

When it comes to the art scene, though I admit I struggle. I'm more comfortable talking to people online but when it comes to talking to people in real life it can be nerve-racking. I have trouble talking to strangers, so going up to an artist and just striking up a conversation with them can be hard, but it's something I'm trying to work on.


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RE: do you consider yourself an Introvert? - by ZombieChinchilla - 08-25-2015, 01:49 AM

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