Crimson CHOW #14 - The Color Wight WIPS
Did some color thumbs and decided to completely change what I was thinking of doing. :P Doing a blue wight, kind of an assassin/thief vibe going on. Her magic is centered in her eyes, where a bright blue haze leaks out.

[Image: wightthumbs2_zpstxxez242.png]

[Image: wightsketch1_zpsekfqiaig.png]


Messages In This Thread
Crimson CHOW #14 - The Color Wight WIPS - by smrr - 08-20-2015, 10:01 AM
RE: Crimson CHOW #14 - The Color Wight WIPS - by ZombieChinchilla - 08-26-2015, 04:39 AM

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