09-09-2015, 12:54 AM
Agreed about the lower half of the Cornwell study, I get the impression that you shortened the legs to fit them onto your page... if you run out of space, it's probably better to get the proportions correct, even if that means leaving out the feet.
Also, here's my studies for today. I know that the proportions are off. And of course, now that I wanted to leave the boxes alone, what came up in my figure drawing course? Figures in perspective. Even more boxes that I had to eyeball the perspective of, because I'm drawing these in my sketchbook, so the vanishing points are obviously way off the page...
Agreed about the lower half of the Cornwell study, I get the impression that you shortened the legs to fit them onto your page... if you run out of space, it's probably better to get the proportions correct, even if that means leaving out the feet.
Also, here's my studies for today. I know that the proportions are off. And of course, now that I wanted to leave the boxes alone, what came up in my figure drawing course? Figures in perspective. Even more boxes that I had to eyeball the perspective of, because I'm drawing these in my sketchbook, so the vanishing points are obviously way off the page...