Soldier Design Critique
Personally, I think the look of the calf/foot areas look kinda cool, they definitely have a cool style to them.

But in terms of the armor aspect of the pieces, do you have reference for what you're sketching out? If you do, I'd say go in and take a look at how those outfits and armors are constructed and put together. Similarly like a cosplayer, think about how these outfits would ACTUALLY get put together for walking around. Not that you need to get caught up in the mechanics of a belt for fastening chest piece backs and fronts together, but think about what goes on first, pants and shirt, then chainmail, then gloves and boots, then armor on top, then helmets, then swords/axes/equipment. Take a look at the Lord of the Rings concept art on Massive Black's site for the Rohan(?) soldiers. That's level of detail is what cosplayers and 3d modellers and art directors look at and are like "this person knows exactly how these characters are dressed and he knows how to dress them up and down. Aw yiss."

As well, for anatomy, take Loomis and other anatomy books and keep studying faces and spatial awareness of how a body sits and rests in space.

You're on the right track, keep on going and studying and you're gonna get great in no time!

David Szilagyi, 
Professional Badass, phD.

Messages In This Thread
Soldier Design Critique - by Uzaydogan - 09-02-2015, 01:40 AM
RE: Soldier Design Critique - by meat - 09-02-2015, 01:04 PM
RE: Soldier Design Critique - by DavidSzilagyi - 09-10-2015, 06:33 AM
RE: Soldier Design Critique - by Uzaydogan - 09-13-2015, 01:57 AM

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