Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward!
Omg, I love your sketchbook so much <3
The designs for ‚Unda‘, the quality of your drawings, … but I totally feel you on the perspective frustration. Good job on deciding to tackle that weakness, it may be annoying, but definitely worth it in the end :)

I’m curious about the Unda project … how are you going about designing those? Are you doing thumbnail sketches first, then draw them out nicely? Or do you directly jump into drawing the final thing? Are you drawing bodies first, then put clothes on them?
I don’t think it’s dumb at all to just draw all the ideas when you feel inspired. You can always draw more, or change things later after all, but putting a lot of things down on paper is never a bad thing! :)

Agreeing with meat on the scheduling issue. Also keep in mind that there is NEVER enough time, and never enough time to do everything we want to do. It is as it is, and we have to make the best from it, and prioritize.

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RE: Sketchbook & Progess Log - The journey is the reward! - by Lyraina - 10-03-2015, 11:34 PM

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