
long post time, hold on to ya butts.

I came to a dead-end a couple of months ago, getting a firm grasp on the basic (more mathematical side) of perspective had been my aim for so long (ergh, like a whole year jeeeeez I'm slow.... or time is fast, yeah! i'll just blame time. stupid time) that when I felt i had gone far enough down that road I was at a complete loss.  it's hands down the worst part about trying to self teach, just so much time wasted just trying to decide what your next move should be.

I've still not decided but I've got a few ideas I'm gonna try out, focusing more on industrial design so if anyone has any ideas of stuff I should try out i'd really appreciate the input. Or if y'all are going through a similar phase of decision making feel free to add your story below, it's always helpful to see how other people tackle the same problem.


At this point I think there are two main problems I need to overcome.

the first one is getting comfortable with the various techniques of design sketching. without all the perspective construction (which is slow and laborious) my drawing sux, and it's hard to take. so I'll begin trying to experiment and come up with a happy medium. i think each class of vehicle will have it's own simplified construction I can use to sketch and keep the perspective roughly correct. For example correctly plotting the front and back wheel of a bike meant I could sketch the frames loosely and quickly without loosing the look of solid forms too much. I imagine for jeeps and tanks I could do simple box stacking to get the construction down then cut and detail. I can't think of how to simplify plane construction yet, might be best to 3D paper plane it? not sure, oo actually one big box might be enough, trying to get the ratio of wingspan to plane length is the trick bit in sketching because I wont be setting up measuring points, but with a big box it'll be easier to guess... hmmmm, gonna try it

the second problem is visual library, I have none, which really slows things down. the more i know about a subject the more I can experiment freely and make choices with less stress . this is the biggest thing I'm going to have to overcome over the next few months. I just want more building blocks to play with

so here is a little snippit of some of the stuff I've been trying 

a lot of these are ploughs for this weeks IDW, I'm using what I learnt for John Parks Intro to Vehicle design. the bikes were me trying to draw loosely in perspective, and the hover Chopper was an attempt to come up with a silhouette and add value  to it to define a 3D form (I really like that one :)

the plan now is to try incorporate everything a need to do into a self contained practice:

once I've chosen a vehicle I'm gonna do 30 mins of research, get a rough idea of how it works, the different parts, some basic proportions 

Next up, put all that research to one side and find reference from other types of vehicle... or anything really. all i'm looking for here is different form languages.

so with the form language to hand I'm gonna sketch versions of the original vehicle trying my best to remember as much of the research I did while modifying the forms to emulate the new references.

after that I'll go over my research notes and make additions to the sketches 

I think the incorporates everything I'm trying to learn.


I want to still churn out properly constructed drawings. I'm not putting any brain effort in here to improve, I just want to keep doing them so they evolve and refine themselves 

once aspect I'll probably look into here is style. it's as basic as it gets at the moment, just black drawing on a white background. Wanna see what I can do to make it more interesting 

here are a couple of planes 

the second one is my design, here be the orthos 


i'm going to have a PSD where I just try things out, little perspective experiments, look and parks and proportions of vehicles, just to get a handle on bits and bobs without the stress of doing a full drawing


This bit is just for fun if I have time


I hope this'll workout for a while

Smrr: haha Thank you :) I come back to that comment whenever a need a pickmeup



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JoeSB - by Joe - 03-09-2015, 07:38 PM
RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 03-14-2015, 09:56 PM
RE: JoeSB - by Martin J Intarat - 03-15-2015, 01:08 AM
RE: JoeSB - by KurtJeremy - 03-15-2015, 02:24 AM
RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 03-23-2015, 09:52 AM
RE: JoeSB - by Martin J Intarat - 03-25-2015, 02:28 AM
RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 04-06-2015, 02:15 AM
RE: JoeSB - by Martin J Intarat - 04-09-2015, 02:33 AM
RE: JoeSB - by Tsirides - 04-06-2015, 02:36 AM
RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 04-13-2015, 07:33 AM
RE: JoeSB - by Martin J Intarat - 04-17-2015, 12:32 AM
RE: JoeSB - by Kimonas - 04-15-2015, 03:49 AM
RE: JoeSB - by Tsirides - 04-17-2015, 02:17 PM
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RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 04-28-2015, 08:51 PM
RE: JoeSB - by Martin J Intarat - 05-10-2015, 10:37 PM
RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 05-18-2015, 06:35 AM
RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 05-26-2015, 05:13 PM
RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 06-08-2015, 06:20 AM
RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 06-15-2015, 07:56 AM
RE: JoeSB - by KurtJeremy - 06-15-2015, 07:56 PM
RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 06-23-2015, 07:10 AM
RE: JoeSB - by crackedskull - 06-23-2015, 10:10 PM
RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 06-29-2015, 09:03 AM
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RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 07-07-2015, 04:15 AM
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RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 08-17-2015, 09:31 PM
RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 08-24-2015, 08:01 AM
RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 09-25-2015, 06:36 AM
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RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 11-03-2015, 11:36 PM
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RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 06-29-2016, 12:17 AM
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RE: JoeSB - by Adam Lina - 07-04-2016, 08:32 AM
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RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 10-18-2016, 08:01 PM
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RE: JoeSB - by Joe - 11-10-2016, 08:08 PM
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