11-18-2015, 05:12 AM
I was being a bit tongue in cheek about the drug thing. I dont believe using drugs to fuel creativity is a good idea in the long run in most cases. I know a guy who tried using a ton of acid so he could get inspired to write his novel. It didnt work at all for him. He just went off the deep end and messed up his life. I think certain drugs can be used to enhance your life but not if you're expecting it to fix your already messed up life. Its all about how you view yourself and your place in the world. If its unhealthy you cant expect external things to fix your fucked up inner state. You gotta work on yourself from the inside out.
Personally I've been getting inspiration from lucid dreaming. Combined with mindfulness meditation I think Im working out a lot of that unhealthy views I mentioned before. It takes a very centered person to be creative consistently and not lose the fire.
As far as dealing with harsh critics of your writing, I like how Steven Pressfield puts it in his book The War of Art. Critics are creatives that have been beaten down by resistance. They want to drag down other people that they see overcoming resistance. Resistance being the forces in your head/life that prevent you from doing your work.
Just keep honing your writing skill by writing more and dont stop!
Personally I've been getting inspiration from lucid dreaming. Combined with mindfulness meditation I think Im working out a lot of that unhealthy views I mentioned before. It takes a very centered person to be creative consistently and not lose the fire.
As far as dealing with harsh critics of your writing, I like how Steven Pressfield puts it in his book The War of Art. Critics are creatives that have been beaten down by resistance. They want to drag down other people that they see overcoming resistance. Resistance being the forces in your head/life that prevent you from doing your work.
Just keep honing your writing skill by writing more and dont stop!