12-24-2015, 03:40 AM
Dennis, thanks a lot for your crit and the paintover! I saw the muddiness but didn’t realize it’s because of the dark values. Thank you for pointing that out to me. Also thanks for the reminder to simplify first, then render. I should know this by now, and yet keep skipping steps! Thanks :)
Day 20, inspired by sky colors I saw outside.
Day 21, late night sketch and again violating the „make the big shapes read and look good first“ rule. Even with limited time or energy available, this is not a step that should be skipped.
Day 20, inspired by sky colors I saw outside.
Day 21, late night sketch and again violating the „make the big shapes read and look good first“ rule. Even with limited time or energy available, this is not a step that should be skipped.