Would you like to come up and see my etchings?
Tristan, I really appreciate the feed back. You're right my weak spots are the heads position to the body and hands and feet. I usually spend the first 30 minutes figuring out the outline on longer drawings like the one above(that one took 3 hours). The life drawing group I go to has one 3 hour pose on the first tuesday of the month. The rest of the time they do quick warm up poses and two 20 minute and one 40 minute pose. Sometimes I get stuck in a weird spot because the room fills up and everyone takes the good spots. I get a bit frustrated though and it comes out in the drawing. The one above I really didnt like the lightning and wasnt into doing a profile though the model had an interesting profile. Im thinking of sitting on the ground next time so I can get a better angel.

I havnt done bargue drawings before so I'll give em a try, thanks. I have done a fair bit of anatomy but that was a year ago and I need to revisit it. Right now however I'm trying to break out of only ever drawing naked people. Im kinda stuck in a rut where I dont draw much except my weekly life drawings. These other drawings are done in the parking lot of my work during my lunch break. I want to get into doing full scenes but its a struggle for me because Im only really comfortable doing nudes. Im hoping the weekly life drawings will at least keep my figure drawing from getting too rusty while I try to expand myself to other things.

Hobbit, thanks. Yea the parking lot drawings are from life. I need to do some proper perspective drawings of environments eventually in which case I will use a ruler. These are just 5 minute sketches on my lunch break. I try to focus mainly on composition and getting a solid read.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Would you like to come up and see my etchings? - by Sean McCLain - 10-18-2014, 03:33 AM
RE: Would you like to come up and see my etchings? - by Adam Lina - 07-09-2015, 11:05 PM

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