Letting your Dreams do the Work for you!
To add to that, a big part of remembering dreams is to not move right away when you wake up. If you have the luxury of not having to jump out of bed in the morning to an alarm and race to work or school take a bit of extra time to stay as still as possible. Theres some kind of neurological thing that happens when you move. The brain just dumps all the dream memories. At first you might not be able to remember anything for a week. Then you might remember just a color or a feeling. Write it down no matter how vague it might be. It snowballs like Fedo said.

Fedo, thats hilariously disturbing about the sex dreams. I've only managed enough control in dreams to have sex a couple times. Since you made this thread I've been writing down dreams and gearing up to get back into it. One thing I've been fascinated with is false memories in dreams. Where you have these spontaneous memories of past experiences that you never actually experienced in real time. Like you might be walking down a street and see a house and suddenly you have a false memory of going in that house years ago and seeing some freaky shit so you avoid it.

I've had dreams where I had layers of false memories built up to where it seemed like the dream lasted months. I've read people even having years worth of experiences in a single dream. Once you wake up its almost impossible to remember all of it but a lingering feeling of having gone on some epic voyage sticks with you. If I could figure out a way to induced dreams like that on purpose that would be freakin amaze-balls.


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RE: Letting your Dreams do the Work for you! - by Adam Lina - 10-30-2014, 01:49 PM

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