Hey Daggers
Sup, I'm Sam S from Virginia. I'm currently 18 and working on my last semester in high school. I want to go into animation and I'm teaching myself illustration so that when I get good enough I can freelance for some money and learn how to compose scenes. I applied to Calarts' Character Animation program a month ago and I'll find out if I was accepted in March. I really want to go to art school, but I'm starting to think it might not be the best option. I've wanted to be a professional artist for around 4 years, but I didn't really practice the right way for a long time and now I feel like I'm not as skilled as I should be. I started watching Dan's stream a few weeks ago, and I'm really excited to be a part of this awesome community!
Yeah welcome i am sharing your excitement Sam! :D
It´s never too late to learn man specially on art good luck on your journey and welcome :)
welcome! :)

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