Poyo's I wanna be good! Everyday Sketchbook
Loomis studies in digital

took a little time off for lulz. Hahaha I don't even know where I'm going with this :P
"speedpaint" with my drawing buddy (I went overtime but I don't care x_x)

In progress

Random studies with study buddy. I'm going to start using bridgman too, in addition to loomis.

random environment :P

Court of the Panda King :D
Probably could use more work, but I really need to do studies so I'll let it be for now :)

Barely got to this stage... But I think my imagination figures are improving... I guess.
Will do more figures in traditional later.

Imagination stuff

trees and things

A value study, 5-6 hours. more anatomy later...

imagination figures

start of loomis pages 60+ (muscles and attachments)

Hey good to see you posting and still studying loomis and practicing imagination poses (lol at the little notes next to them), good work on the value study also. Keep up the hard work!

@JonHop Thanks for your encouragement :) I can't wait to get to the end of this loomis book haha

Missed a day, some computer problems...

Loomis Studies

More studies, and a random imagination figure :)

finished arms today! :)

start of some random sketches

drew over screencaps of movies... arms and upper body only, I didn't get to legs yet.

arms, arms...!
going to draw 100 of these and finish up arms...

Last day of arms!

Big Grin 
sick for a couple days... :(
But I finished legs finally!!!

Getting better or getting worse? :(
All from imagination

First drawing session sucked, so did the figures over.

I see a lot of (albeit good studies) human anatomy studies of the muscles etc but I don't see a lot of figure drawing from observation.
To improve from imagination it's important to also draw the figure from observation. You begin to understand how the forms look and the general shape of things and how the body can move and it'll show through in your imagination sketches.
I like your in depth apporaoch to human form, and what you're doing is good, so keep that up but add in some actual figure drawing each day, only has to be 30 mins or so and you'll see yourself improving from imagination if you keep it up ;).

@JonHop Thanks, it's summer break so I can't find any friends to model at all... but when it starts up again I will post some life drawings.

This weekend
Did not understand figures at all.

Took a break to draw something other than humans and finally get to use some colors

Did 2 hours of one minute gestures:

Drew some imagination figures right afterward for a test:
seems to have punched through my artblock! A little awkward but I feel like this reflects my current progress better than my last few sheets of imagination figures.

random concept for drawing buddy's sister

Nice hard work in here. Watch out with the gestures though. I know in some of them you already did this but you should really be focusing on the pose instead of the exterior body. Here is an EXAMPLE

Also, remember to lay in the spine line first to capture the movement always. Study the example well, especially the one at the end; It will help tons. Keep fightin the fight
@Dennis Thanks! I tried to make the changes in this next set of gestures. If you ever stop by again, let me know what you think. I think drawing the spine has really helped me to picture more poses.


Trying out some cel-shading/ gradient cel-shading
fffff It was hard, and the lighting is probably not consistent with what I have indicated here. Drawing buddy joked it was like a ken doll because it has no genitals... lawl

The start of a fanart request for a friend.

Working the lineart, need to fix pose.

I told you I'd check on you and its been waaaaaaay to long since you're last sketchbook post, where have you got to!? Get active again friend! You were improving and well on your way to improving more! :).

@Jonhop Thanks for the encouragement, I actually haven't drawn in weeks because schoolwork is keeping me busy >_<
But I'm going to draw as much as I can in my free time, it's high time I started doing hand and face studies! I can't leave my figures faceless forever :P

Easing back into drawing, decided to do something easy and color my Auron picture.

Haha welcome back poyo! School work is important but try to make time to draw at least a sketch each day, that can take literally only 15 mins of your time :P.


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